Thursday 20 October 2011

What will people do with a searchable database of the names on the "Recall Scott Walker" petition?

In the comments to the previous post, alan markus suggested another poll — inspired by this discussion at on an Isthmus forum — about what people would do with a searchable database of the names and addresses of those who sign the petition to recall Scott Walker. I'm not using alan's options. This poll — like all my polls — represents my musings on the subject.

If I could search a database of signers of the "Recall Scott Walker" petition, I would:
1. Look for fake names and names that shouldn't be there, e.g. Ann Althouse, to check for fraud.
2. Look for names of people I know or work with just out of curiosity.
3. Look up names because I might want to shun or otherwise punish people who sign.
4. Look up names because I might want to shun or otherwise punish people who HAVEN'T signed.

Submit your suggestion / comments / complaints / Takedown request on

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