Thursday 20 October 2011

A Social Security shell game

The Examiner
William Heuisler

Because of our climate, Tucson Arizona has a higher percentage of elderly voters than most metro areas in the United States. Apparently the Feds think Tucson (and other) elderly cannot read or they have short attention spans.

In a press release the Feds announce they will give out money with one hand and take it back with the other, before they even send out all the checks. Why do they bother? The government wants our votes, of course. The Feds hope social security beneficiaries will not read the fine print... or are really stupid.

This week the Federal Government is making a big deal about increasing Social Security payments for the huge voting block of Americans over 62 who vote in higher percentages than any other group. But there is a big catch.

The Federal Social Security Agency announced yesterday that there will be a 3.6 % increase in benefit checks for 2012. This increase - for a higher cost of living - will be the first since 2009. This new 3.6 % cost-of-living adjustment supposedly will begin for 55 million Social Security beneficiaries with checks in January 2012. (Social Security, 2011)

Then they announce that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 60 million Americans will also increase 3.6% in 2012. Also they say higher Social Security checks for another 8 million supplemental income [...]

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