Friday 7 October 2011

Parichay 7th October 2011 Written Update


All wedding preparations are done. Veena brought to the mandap. Kunal and siddhi come. Their marriage happens. Richa reaches kunal's home and gets to know that they have gone for some marriage. Kunal and siddhi take veena's blessings. She smiles and gets up and hugs kunal thinking its anand. Kunal opens up and Veena realizes anand has died. She breaks up. Richa reaches the mandap and finds kunal is married to Siddhi.


Episode begins with Richa coming to kunal's house at last..
She sees the house locked. Some neighbor lady comes and tells that no one is at
home. Richa asks where have they gone. The lady says shaadi hai, and all wud
have gone there. Richa is shocked about who's marriage is it. She starts from

Scene shifts to the mandap. Marriage preparations full on.
Veena is brought in wheel chair with Raj and doctor. All give weird
expressions. Veena is brought near the mandap. (Sad BG throughout) Vikram asks
the pandit to start with the proceedings. And Richa is still driving, driving
and driving.

Kunal and Siddhi come to the mandap. Marriage rituals start
(Sad BG's) Everyone worried about Veena. Pandit asks kunal and siddhi t [...]

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