Wednesday 28 September 2011

Fallout widens from collapse of Fremont solar manufacturer

Mercury News
Dana Hull

FBI agents seizes items from
Solyndra headquarters in Fremont
Fallout from the implosion of Fremont solar panel manufacturer Solyndra expanded Tuesday when California Treasurer Bill Lockyer called for a "pause" in the state clean-energy program that had provided Solyndra a $25.1 million tax break.

"In light of recent events, we owe it to taxpayers to see if there is more we can do to make sure we don't give their money to companies headed for a fall, or companies that take California's money and run to other states to create jobs," Lockyer said of the program, which gives solar and other alternative energy companies sales tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment.

Lockyer's move follows a failed attempt by House Republicans to slash funding for electric vehicles, and announcements that at least two solar companies expecting to be awarded federal loan guarantees from the Department of Energy have been told in the wake of Solyndra's collapse that their appl [...]

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